AYSO United Arizona Teams
The most common question asked is related to costs. This will vary from team to team because some may be Open League and others may be State League. Some teams will participate in more tournaments and some in less. Some coaching stipends will vary depending on the experience and training of each coach. These are questions you should ask coaches when you are having conversations about accepting an offer. You can refer to the “Why United?” page on our website to get an idea of basic costs.
Training Sites:
East Valley Teams: Train primarily at the Arizona Athletic Grounds (formally known as Legacy) and South Valley Junior High.
Tournament Only Teams: Train primarily at the high school where the coaches are affiliated.
South East Valley Teams: Train primarily at Pecos Park, in Phoenix.
North Arizona Teams: Train at different locations within Flagstaff.

Our Training Teams
Great Coaches
East Valley Girls

East Valley Boys

South East Valley Girls

South East Valley Boys

Northern Arizona Girls